Today, by combining Keck's Food Service comprehensive product selection with our corporate-level purchasing power through Pocahontas Foods USA, we're positioned to offer the best of both worlds. This enables our growing company to offer the pricing and selection of a national broadliner with the personalized customer service that only a strong independent can deliver. Our product selection includes over 5,500 products to comprehensively service our customer's needs.

white bullet pointREFRIGERATED white bullet pointFRESH MEAT & POULTRY
white bullet pointFROZEN white bullet pointDAIRY & CHEESE
white bullet pointDELI PRODUCTS white bullet pointCANNED & DRY
white bullet pointPAPER & DISPOSABLES white bullet pointBAKERY INGREDIENTS
white bullet pointWAREWASH & CLEANING PRODUCTS white bullet pointCOFFEE & BEVERAGE PROGRAM
white bullet pointFRESH PRODUCTS
Click on this link to download or open the KFS Product Catalog
Once the catalog is open, you can use the viewer's built in search function to find products by brand, description, or product#.